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UN-FiBC for dangerous goods

Well packaged for sure!

Security through regular checks

The transport of dangerous goods in public transport is regulated by the GGVSEB (Dangerous Goods Ordinance on Roads, Railways and Inland Waterways). According to this, containers in which dangerous goods are transported must go through – and pass – prescribed test cycles. Easy for big bags from FASSE.

In addition, the legislator stipulates that manufacturers of packaging materials for dangerous goods are regularly audited by the BAM (Federal Institute for Materials Testing) or TÜV-like test bodies. FASSE Industrietextilien passed the monitoring of the criteria for incoming goods inspection, production process and employee qualification with flying colours, as well as a so-called destructive test of the packaging.

That's why you can get USBAGs from us with specification TR IBCf001 - also electrically conductive - in the following versions for packaging groups II and III:

    13H1 - FiBC made of uncoated fabric13H2 - FiBC made of coated fabric13H3 - FiBC made of uncoated fabric with inliner13H4 - FiBC made of coated fabric with inliner
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